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Quare Design: sustainability and energy savings, the road to transformation

22 June 2023

In a world aware of the need to protect the environment, companies are taking steps to operate more sustainably.

Quare Design provides solutions for the bathroom in a wide range of products such as shower trays, wall panels, countertops, countertops, washbasins, deco WC, etc. in a variety of textures and colours, always in resin with mineral fillers.

Quality, design and made-to-measure manufacturing are the hallmarks of this company whose aim is to satisfy the needs of its customers to the millimetre, but which also aspires to be at peace with the environment and the needs of the planet. That is why Quare has implemented various measures to improve sustainability, rationalise the use of resources and encourage energy savings in both its factory and offices.

Quare’s sustainability plan encourages responsible consumption and energy saving, with production becoming more eco-efficient every day. Initiatives that promote the Ecological Transition with specific actions aimed at minimising environmental impact through energy saving and resource optimisation habits, recycling and sustainable mobility.



Quare’s star project is the installation of 500m2 of solar panels on the roof of the factory. This, in addition to promoting industrial self-consumption, favours the reduction of the carbon footprint and allows us to invest the energy savings in continuing to improve our facilities to implement measures and projects in favour of greater sustainability. The project, which will culminate with the commissioning of the installation in June 2022, has already allowed us to reduce our dependence on external sources of electricity, as shown in the following figures:


  2021   2022
From external energy sources 159,49  125,392
From our photovoltaic system 0  22,306
Total 159,49   147,698
% Self consumption 0,0%  17,8%


In addition, by 2023, the forecast is to be able to generate more than 50% of the electricity consumed during our manufacturing process through this facility, as well as to feed the excess energy produced by this facility into the grid during periods of non-industrial activity, so that this sustainably produced energy can be used by other consumers.



Sustainability and energy savings in a chemical factory are key to reducing its environmental impact and contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable future. By implementing energy efficiency strategies, using renewable energy sources, managing waste and chemicals properly, and encouraging innovation and collaboration, Quare Design strikes a balance between efficient production and respect for the environment.

The implementation of these principles has led us to achieve a reduction in our greenhouse gas emissions, both at a global level, despite the increase in our volume of activity, and at a product level, where we have managed to reduce the emissions generated by each product manufactured by 33%.

  2021 2022 Variation
Scope 1 emissions 92,92 101,42 9,15%
Scope 2 emissions 27,91 18,53 -33,61%
Total Scope 1 and 2 emissions 120,83 119,95 -0,73%
Emissions per m2 manufactured 0,00102 0,00068 -33,33%


By embracing these approaches, companies like Quare can lead the way towards a more sustainable industry and be inspiring examples for other companies around the world.

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